Before becoming panelists for the i4Series “Freshman to Founder” event on July 25, Logan LaMance and Adam True were complete strangers, unfamiliar with each other’s businesses. They only shared the similar experience of being young entrepreneurs who started successful businesses while in school, but one phone call changed it all. Logan and Adam are realizing a connection that could prove to be beneficial beyond their dreams after an i4Series event leads to partnership.
Freshman to Founder: Building a Successful Business in College highlighted Kanga’s co-founder, Logan LaMance, and True Island Apparel’s founder and CEO, Adam True. These young entrepreneurs served on a panel to share their stories and experiences of starting a business while still in school. Logan spoke of how Kanga went from a group project idea while studying at Clemson University to landing a $100,000 investment on Shark Tank. Adam shared how he started True Island Apparel while in high school and announced his latest venture, Advantage, which is a global sourcing and supply chain management company.
An e-mail detailing the upcoming event first introduced Adam to Logan. Adam immediately reached out to Logan to introduce himself as the other panelist for Freshman to Founder. What started as a simple introduction turned into hours of conversation between the two who shared their similar experiences and challenges. Logan realized their potential to become partners when Adam told him how Advantage helps clients optimize product-sourcing and supply-chain solutions. After discussing Kanga’s current supply chain management situation, Adam offered to source and supply Kanaga’s Kase Mate product and that’s how an i4Series event leads to a partnership.
Now, not only is Advantage teaming up with Kanga to produce their products at the highest quality for the best price, the two are also cross promoting each other’s brands. Kanga will soon release a version of their Kase Mate with True Island Apparel branding to appeal to both company’s audiences. Logan says, “It all started with i4Series. It’s a true testament to how networking really can build relationships that improve your business.”
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